Yuvraj's innings - session wise
Balls Runs SR 4s/6s
Upto Lunch 4 0 0.00 -
Lunch to Tea 96 67 69.79 12
Tea to close 103 102 99.02 16/1
Indian batsmen scoring a hundred in a session
Runs Batsman Opp Venue Season Day Session
103 M Azharuddin (179) v Eng Manchester 1990 3rd Lunch-Tea
121 VVS Laxman (167) v Aus Sydney 1999-00 3rd Tea-Close
109 V Sehwag (254) v Pak Lahore 2005-06 4th Lunch-Tea
102 Yuvraj Singh (169) v Pak Bangalore 2007-08 1st Tea-Close